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Bullying Intervention Plan

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St. James Intermediate School

Bullying Intervention Plan

State law requires each school district in South Carolina to adopt a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or bullying at school. Furthermore, HCS policy provides that each school within the district is expected to have in place, and be ready to articulate and defend, an effective bullying intervention system. In this regard, St. James Intermediate School hereby adopts the following policy.

  1.  Statement:

St. James Intermediate School prohibits any act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. St. James Intermediate School has determined that a safe and civil environment in the school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, qualifies as conduct that disrupts a student’s ability to learn and hampers a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Since students learn by example; school administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers are expected to demonstrate model behavior by treating others with civility and respect and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying.

At St. James Intermediate School:

  • We are a school that does not tolerate bullying.
  • We are committed to helping others who are being bullied.
  • We respect each other and model appropriate, respectful behavior.
  • We care for each other and report incidents of bullying to administration, teachers, and staff members.
  • We have the right to feel safe at school.
  1. Prohibited Behavior Defined:

St. James Intermediate School acknowledges that “harassment, intimidation or bullying” means a gesture, an electronic communication, or a written, verbal, physical, or sexual act that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function where the school is responsible for the child or on a school bus or other school-related vehicle, at an official school bus stop and that:

  1. a) a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of harming a student, physically or emotionally, or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or
  2. b) has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student, or group of students, in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school.

St. James Intermediate School is currently following the HCS Parent-Student Handbook regarding Expectations of Student Behavior.

III. Appropriate Behavior Defined:

St. James Intermediate School expects students to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the district’s standard for student behavior. Proper regard shall be shown towards the rights and welfare of other students, school staff, as well as the educational purpose underlying all school-related activities. Furthermore, due care shall be given to school facilities and equipment.

St. James Intermediate School believes that standards for student behavior are best achieved cooperatively through interaction among the students, parents and guardians, staff and community members of the school district; thereby producing an atmosphere that encourages students to exercise appropriate levels of self-discipline. The development of this environment requires respect for self and others, as well as for district and community property on the part of students, staff and community members.

St. James Intermediate School believes that the best discipline is self-imposed in nature and that it is the responsibility of staff to use disciplinary situations as opportunities for helping students learn to assume and accept responsibility for their behavior and understand the consequences of engaging in prohibited behaviors. Staff members who interact with students shall apply suitable protocol which is designed to prevent discipline problems and encourage growth in each student’s ability to exercise self-discipline and behave appropriately.

St. James Intermediate School is currently following the HCS Parent-Student Handbook regarding Expectations of Student Behavior.

  1. Consequences and Remedial Measures:

St. James Intermediate School accepts responsibility for the development and implementation of procedures that ensure appropriate consequences and remedial responses to students or staff members who commit any act of harassment, intimidation or bullying. The following factors, at a minimum, shall be given full consideration by school administrators in the development of the procedures for determining appropriate consequences and remedial measures for each incident.

Factors for Determining Consequences

  • Age, developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved;
  • Degrees of harm;
  • Situational circumstances;
  • Nature and severity of the behaviors;
  • Incidences of past or continuing patterns of behavior;
  • Relationships between the parties involved; and
  • The context in which the alleged incidents occurred.

Factors for Determining Remedial Measures


  • Life skill deficiencies;
  • Social relationships;
  • Strengths;
  • Talents;
  • Traits;
  • Interests;
  • Hobbies;
  • Extra-curricular activities;
  • Classroom participation; and
  • Academic performance.


  • School culture;
  • School climate;
  • Student-staff relationships and staff behavior toward the student;
  • General staff management of classrooms or other educational environments;
  • Staff’s ability to prevent and manage difficult or inflammatory situations;
  • Social-emotional and behavioral supports;
  • Social relationships;
  • Community activities;
  • Community environment; and
  • Family situation.

Consequences and Remedial Measures:

Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for students or staff members who commit acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension, expulsion, or adverse employment action. Consequences for a student who commits an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying shall be varied and graded according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student and the student’s history of problem behaviors and performance. Consequences must be consistent with the district’s approved code of student conduct. Remedial measures shall be designed to correct the problem behavior; prevent another occurrence of the problem; and protect the victim of the act. The consequences and remedial measures may include, but are not limited to, the examples listed below:

Examples of Consequences

  • Admonishment;
  • Temporary removal from the classroom;
  • Deprivation of privileges;
  • Classroom or administrative detention;
  • Referral to disciplinary proceedings;
  • In-school suspension during the school week or the weekend;
  • Out-of-school suspension;
  • Legal action; and
  • Expulsion.

Examples of Remedial Measures


  • Restitution and restoration;
  • Mediation;
  • Peer support group;
  • Referral to a student behavior or ethics council;
  • Corrective instruction or other relevant learning or service experience;
  • Supportive student interventions;
  • Behavioral assessment or other evaluation as deemed appropriate;
  • The behavioral management plan, with benchmarks that are closely monitored;
  • Assignment of leadership responsibilities (e.g., hallway or bus monitor);
  • Involvement of school disciplinarian or interventionist;
  • Student counseling;
  • Parent conferences;
  • Student treatment; or
  • Student therapy.

Environmental (Classroom, School Building or School District)

  • School and community surveys for determining the conditions contributing to  harassment, intimidation or bullying;
  • School culture change;
  • School climate improvement;
  • Adoption of research-based, systemic bullying prevention programs;
  • School policy and procedures revisions;
  • Modifications of schedules;
  • Adjustments in hallway traffic;
  • Modifications in student routes or patterns traveling to and from school;
  • Targeted use of monitors (e.g., hallway, cafeteria, bus);
  • Small or large group presentations for fully addressing the behaviors and the responses to the behaviors;
  • General professional development programs for certificated and non-certificated staff;
  • Professional development plans for involved staff;
  • Disciplinary action for school staff who contributed to the problem;
  • Supportive institutional interventions;
  • Parent conferences;
  • Family counseling;
  • Involvement of parent-teacher organizations;
  • Involvement of community-based organizations;
  • Development of a general bullying response plan;
  • Recommendations of a student behavior or ethics council;
  • Peer support groups; and
  • Law enforcement (e.g., school resource officer, juvenile officer) involvement


St. James Intermediate School follows all guidelines outlined under Expectations of Student

Behavior in the HCS Parent-Student Handbook which is given to every parent. All students received our school-wide discipline information. Bullying/Cyberbullying is a Level 2 offense that may result in a written office referral.

  1.         Reporting Procedures:

Horry County Schools requires the principal, or the principal’s designee(s), at each school to be responsible for receiving complaints alleging violations of this policy. All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the principal or the principal’s designee(s). All other members of the school community, including students, parents, volunteers, and visitors, are encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this policy. While written statements are not required, the reporting party should be encouraged to submit one. Oral statements shall be also considered as an official notification; however, the principal or the principal’s designee(s) should document the oral statement.

Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action must not be based solely on the basis of an anonymous report that cannot be corroborated. If requested, the identity of the victim will be protected to the extent allowed by law.

The St. James Intermediate School established method for students and/or parents to report bullying directly or anonymously is as follows:

  1. Directly – students are told to report any bullying situation to an adult in the building (this is told to students at grade-level meetings and in classroom guidance lessons).
  2. Anonymously – students may leave notes for Guidance in the Bullying Box located near the main entrance; the district’s webpage application for reporting is shared with parents and students in newsletters and in Guidance lessons.


  1.         Investigative Protocol:

Horry County Schools requires the principal and/or the principal’s designee(s) to be responsible for determining whether an alleged act constitutes a violation of this policy. All complaints of this nature will be taken seriously. In doing so, the principal and/or the principal’s designee(s) shall conduct a prompt, thorough and complete investigation of each alleged incident. All investigations shall be sufficiently documented and the results of said investigation shall be retained by the school’s administration regardless if the allegation is sustained or not. Those incidents which meet policy defined criteria must be reported to the District Office through the appropriate channels.

St. James Intermediate School investigates bullying in the following manner:

  • Meet with the victim to gather information
  • Meet with other involved students separately and gather information
  • If appropriate, conduct mediation and facilitate a bullying contract with the students
  • Inform administrator and school security officer (SSO contacted only if needed)
  • Notify the parents of each of the children (victim and bully) involved in the situation (but without using specific children’s names). Record the situation in PowerSchool under log entries.
  • Send Anti-Bullying materials home with the child and ask parents to review the information with the child at home.
  • Once signed, a copy of the Bullying Reflection Form is kept on file in the guidance office. These are kept for three-four years.
  • If the situation occurs again, then the grade level Assistant Principal can take disciplinary action. Bullying/Cyberbullying is a Level 2 offense that may result in a written office referral.

**The process may vary due to the severity of the bullying/cyberbullying incident.


VII.         Prohibition Against Retaliation and Reprisals.

St. James Intermediate School prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The administrator shall determine the consequence and appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation after consideration of the nature, severity, and circumstances of the act, in accordance with applicable laws, policies, and procedures.

St. James Intermediate School follows all guidelines outlined under Expectations of Student Behavior in the HCS Parent-Student Handbook (which is given to every parent). All students received our school-wide discipline information in our student handbook.

VIII.         False Reporting and Accusations:

St. James Intermediate School prohibits any person from making false accusations as a means to harass, intimidate or bully another person. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a student found to have falsely accused another as a means of harassment, intimidation or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion. Consequences and appropriate remedial action for a school employee found to have falsely accused another, as a means to harass, intimidate or bully another person shall be disciplined in accordance with district policies and procedures. Consequences and appropriate remedial action for a visitor or volunteer found to have falsely accused another as a means to harass, intimidate or bully another person shall be determined by the school administrator after consideration of the nature, severity, and circumstances of the act, including reports to appropriate law enforcement officials when appropriate.

St. James Intermediate School follows all guidelines outlined under Expectations of Student Behavior in the HCS Parent-Student Handbook (which is given to every parent). All students received our school-wide discipline information in our student handbook.

  1.         Student Discussions:

The principal understands the requirement to develop an annual process for discussing the school’s policy on harassment, intimidation, and bullying with students, which may include, but is not limited to, student assemblies, guidance counselor or school security officer group sessions.

St. James Intermediate School has the following processes in place to meet the aforementioned requirement:

  1. Guidance counselors will meet with students during their grade level meetings.
  2. Guidance counselors will plan Anti-Bullying lessons throughout the school year.
  3. The Guidance Department will submit anti-bullying tips for parents and students through the SJIS Parent Newsletter.
  4. The Guidance Department works with the Leadership Team to meet the needs of students as they arise.
  5.         Plan Review:

On an annual basis, prior to the beginning of each school year, the principal will review this plan and amend it when deemed necessary. Furthermore, this plan shall be available to all school staff, students and parents. In addition to providing access to this plan, the administration at St. James Intermediate School will make it clear that all HCS Bullying Intervention Plans are applicable to all acts of harassment, intimidation, and bullying that occur on school property, at school-sponsored functions, on a school bus or other school-related vehicle, at an official school bus stop or at any other program or function where the school is responsible for the child.

St. James Intermediate School Principal: David Cupolo

St. James Intermediate School Bullying Intervention Representative: Jesse DuRant

Updated: 10/7/2021